Wednesday, February 24, 2010

in imovie. drag thumbnails and then hit share, export movie. h.264

feb 24 20010

Katie Stemper- Pipilotti Rist- ever is over all- got started using pop culture frame so videos use pop culture style. uses symbolism on left to make interesting character. blue dress and red shoes like dorothy in wizard of oz. uses flower to break cars. comforting music paired with shattering glass. police officer looks like man from far away but is woman . contrast between femininity and feminism. pop culture full of feminine ideals. flowers represent femininity. ever is over all helps avoid labeling the piece and creates contrast. ups color contrast to bring life in.

Ryan- Martha Rosler- semiotics of the kitchen- emphasis on womans perspective. camera stays in same place to emphasize action. says alphabet with different objects in the kitchen. later on is threatening and way stares at the viewer is creepy. movements and actions get violent. shows typical world of a woman at the time. stops at y (why is this ....?) word play. objects were very outdated. when got aggressive focused on objects then the viewer while performing the violent actions

Monday, February 22, 2010

final cut video editing

720 x 480 is standard video size SD.
file, log and capture to import. capture now brings to other window and puts into final cut.
final cut, system settings, new file, save to folder and set the 3 things to the folder

log. setting in and out points. hit i during play. hit o during play. then hit log clip, name it and hit play. creates short clips and can add together. shift select all the clips to be captured. batch capture. drag clip onto timeline. SD same as first but captures until press escape (capture now)

wire frame. hit mountain, get pen tool to fade. razorblade to cut video

export, audio and video

sequence, settings- can see resolution

modify, hit link to unlink sound and video. audio comes in 2 channals


Sara- Bill Viola- water as motif, uses camera to show whole frame, zoom out, influenced by buddha. uses dualism in his work (life death, loud quiet).
the reflecting pool- standing in front of water contemplating. repetition of 3 drops to disrupt the peace. reflections of other people. natural light is used but light through trees is softer to play with idea of reality. doesnt need to be in the water because is already immersed, goes with idea that he is already in the water and is coming out. drop from middle, right side and left side, all same person. becomes one with surroundings. made from analogue and tape, edited by hand. 1977-79. goal is to reach enlightenment through meditation

William- spike lee- the 25th hour 2003- uses themes of racism and ethics and judicial systems. uses dialogue and quick transitions to show mood. music to give sorrow. used 911 to add to emotions. love hate relationships. pace and momentum is very slow, dramatic scores. camera angles. lighting shows differences in control of situation. patriotism is a big theme

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Emily Sneeden- Michel Gandry- too many dicks on the dance floor. dramatic lighting to emphasize the narrative. diagetic sound. men in front women in back. rhythmic relationship, can see talking back and forth. colored light makes transition. makes reality that Brit is both speaker and self without time change. zoom is to mock overuse of zooms in videos. spatial relationships. repetition of colors green and red. disco ball shows where light is coming from so can make the visual connection. camera moves back as they move forward. camera changes to bird eye view to show whole scene for dramatic effect. disco ball to put attention on their crotches. scenes go so quick the mind associates them as a constant line. resolution at end where Jemiane meets a girl.

Nicole- paul mccarthy- Family tyranny and culture soup. instructional video of father of how to force feed his son. bathing son in tin cup. culture soup is instructional video of how to make soup out of mayonayse and children. external voyeristic shot to give video dreamlike quality or memory. state is reiterated by repetitive dialogue. phallic representation. heredity representation, father gives traits to son (force feed). oedipus complex. example of not coping with it, shown as memory. Introjection- inhabits the characteristics of another. instatutional abuse not physical abuse. whole video is father-son-relationship. large tin bowl is father and small bowl is son.

process? how did he get there, process to get into characters, storyboard?

prespective of viewer, how they reacted/ perspective of artist

Monday, February 8, 2010

2nd project. event score

first is action.....
2nd is time. wat kind of time does it cover?
action can occurr any time in frame. 90 mins
time and action need to be specified

Fluxus class notes

-began in early 1960s with a group of artists in NEW YORK CITY
-also developed in Europe and moved in between Europe and U.S.
-international, interdisciplinary, and broad movement with artists working in sound, text, performance, and new media.

Dick higgins. george brecht. le mont young.allison knowles. george macunius
Flux Forms
1. flux kits or multiples- could unfold over time, still object based.
2.the event. both about immediate quality ofexperience- references new media technologies
concept of object as an object (self contained in space and time) is fundamental to all thinking about aesthetics
-developed with computer, video, and other new media
-internet make us reconsider the very paradigm of aesthetics

Defining fluxus modes with new media technologies
flux kit- database structure, non-hierarchal, unordered items, collection of items with every item having same significance

the event- algorithms, simle operations to help computer complete task

fluxus view of art
- making something special by exaggerating, patterning, juxtaposing, shaping transforming. making ordinary to something significant
-making room for other considerations of others perspectives, and common respect for difference
-valuing primary or secondary experiences, value while being made

flux kit- offer sensory info for empowered experience that connects individual to greater social or environmental context
-items are offered to be touched and explored by viewer
-visceral meaning, touch and exploration creates meaning
- object experienced with all senses

fluxus event- originated in john cage's 1958-59 music class

-cage's idea was to accept watever sounds occured within a specific period of time. sounds determine music
sound is acting (as with traffic sounds) music is as if someone is talking, emotion, sound effects have no talking
-no silence so there is no pure music. sounds of environment become music

george brecht's event score
-invented event score
-convert time and chance

followed action painting (pollock)

event score performance- demeanor is that of a painter than that of an actor on stage
life media-spontaneous decisions, the relationship to the environment, and the physical parameters within which the work occurs

event scores involve simple actions, and objects from everyday life recontextualized as a performance
-texts that can be
- based on ordinary activities from daily life expressed in simple, concrete terms

written drawn event score
- box, directions to assemble parts inside
card describing what to do
two vehicle event start, stop

Fluxus reading

What i got from this is that Fluxus is like a science. but Fluxus is everything; its not only science but humor and time, and experiments, and connections between people and many other things. this was hard to understand because no main term was used to describe Fluxus and there was so much that is Fluxus that a definite meaning sort of escaped me. The reading said that Fluxus is global, a unity of art and life, intermedia, experimental, oriented to research, chance, playful, simple, implicativeness, exemplativism, and specific. that all sounds like any art though, but then it said that any art is Fluxus so i have no idea what's going on haha. i did understand several aspects though. globalism- defying boundaries of countries and culture. unity of art and life- making art relatable to the artist or the audiences experiences. intermedia- mixing separate art forms. experimentalism- trying new things and logging results, using lots of research and leaning toward that method. chance- using new things without knowing exactly what the outcome is to help along the evolution of the piece, random changes, almost experimental. playfulness- using humor or jokes in a work, like pun or irony. simplicity- minimalism that makes things concise and more effective. implicativeness- implying more works. time- seeming as though it is continuous or playing with duration. i don't know what exemplativism means though

What i really found interesting, and also don't really understand, was when it mentioned musicality as being a key aspect. i've heard that term or even thought about it before. it refers to a work being about to be realized by someone other than an artist, also it can be made several times. the ability for others to remake the work is something that throws me off. i don't really understand what it refers to but somehow, because i've never heard it before, i want to know more about it and utilize it. but interpretation of its meaning is this; its an aspect that means it can continue, utilizing time, but also it means that people either like the look and begin using it as sort of a logo or brand name (and can either wear it on t shirts or put it on signs or ect.) but they either enjoy reproducing it in different ways or its easy enough to do so. being reproduced and altered over and over really gives it a sense of time, because it continues changing or being copied. that mixture of reproduction and time actually is a specific characteristic (and stands out from the other explanations because its specific)
do u think this is what musicality means? or am i far off?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


SARAH- CONSTELLATIONS- very basic and vague because theyre pushpins. so images are unclear at times. buildings and pyramids being taken down was very interesting and well animated (lots of meaning to buildings being taken down, also cause its in the stars it could be events so come?) dont know whats she trying to say with that. Fish love was very good and thy explode so dont know what that means. also the film has a very archaic feel to it like early movies. the transitions of each scene were were good. each lead to another. also, the silence made the film the only thing that was scene. no distractions which was good.

SUN-LITE ROMANCE- some parts sped up. others slowed down. could mean a lot of things. really seems like a music video than anything else. camera has set composition. cars and picnickers show passage of time

Nicole- DEAD LEAVES- Totally beautiful. the transitions between each scene are fantastic. the music is perfect because its silent at most times and has music at times where the transitions are happening. flowers were nice touch to film, very ephemeral and add to motif of death. also color is good.

Leslie- AND THEN THERE WERE TWO- bits of colored paper were very good. silence was good, but music could have been used for dance scene. type face was a good choice to me. the blankness of the figures is accented by the banal type. the jump from the hug is perfect. the timing just adds to the humor.

MELISSA- SEPARATION ANXIETY- computer as symbol for work and how it doesnt want to leave? the personality of the computer is funny. why? is that meaningful. different people flashing could mean that it happens to a lot of people. not just her. and computers tie people together. could have used more pictures of people. books as steppingstone is ironic.

Olga- Moot- cute but has another meaning. the moot monster is like some outcast but also he's good. very polite. so maybe deals with being ostrasized. also has environmental theme. human squishes him so is evil. face of humanity? should have blue splat at end to match begining

GABY- should have had milk, seen as party. very funny how they react to each other . camera shaking is awesome touch to the film. adds disorder and playfulness.

Breu and Baruk- great use of narrative and technique with the water. the music was a great. touch too. tissue paper was great and so was craft. very entertaining

william- UNDER MY SKIN- music gives it a 50's instructional video feel. music gives a casual feel for casual events. clever title.

TOWEL DRY- animation of movement is very successful. different rooms makes story move better than just one. the story can really progress when the setting changes. pants in scene is obvious flaw. arm scene was really neat.

Emily SNEEDEN- i love the play with reality. when he comes out of the computer its great. and the different world is a great thing. the characters world and then emily's world. spam and Spam is great word play

Ryan- Flash is slow. why is he? he is usually fast. is he sad? dark hallway makes it seem that he's distressed. made to be not what is expected. its good in concept but execution isnt very good.

Anthony- FAMILIAR- movement is very good and smooth. narrative is great. only problem is with chopsticks. lens flair is funny because its so classic.

Kelsey- narrative is simple but interesting. subtitles is a problem. some holes in story but narrative is still good and coherent.